Wednesday 25 May 2016

7 Famous Legends in Indonesia

There are many legends that exist in Indonesia. Although the legend comes from a different place, but have a common origin of which is associated with a place. Here is the legend of the famous in Indonesia

1. Malin Kundang

In ancient times, in Turkish Manis, Padang, West Sumatra. The life of a mother named Mande Rubayah who has a son named Malin Kundang. Because you want to be rich, Malin Kundang intend to go abroad to earn money. Mande Rubayah allow Malin Kundang to go wander. But a few years later, Malin Kundang reportedly been rich and had married a princess. By using the screen Malin Kundang ship along with his wife and daughter return to Manis Beach. Hearing that Malin Kundang return, Mande Rubayah approached the ship. Seeing her dress dirty, Malin Kundang embarrassed to admit that Mande Rubayah is his mother. Mande Rubayah sad and condemned the entire ship and its passengers, including Malin Kundang to stone. Instantly transformed into stone. Until now stone that resembles a human being bowed their heads and also the ship that has become the head can be seen in Turkish Sweet, West Sumatra.

2. Jonggrang

in the days of yore, Bondowoso from Pengging kingdom, to attack the kingdom led by King Baka Prambanan. Due to a sudden attack, King Baka and troops scrambling, for their lack of preparation. Finally Bondowoso managed to occupy the Kingdom of Prambanan, and King Baka died from a gun Bondowoso.
Victory Bondowoso and troops welcomed by King Pengging. Then King Pengging Bondowoso was mandated to occupy the Palace of Prambanan and take care of everything in it, including the family of King Baka.
At the time of Bondowoso stayed in the Royal Palace of Prambanan, he saw a woman who is very beautiful. The woman is Jonggrang, the daughter of King Baka. When viewed Jonggrang, Bondowoso began to fall in love. Without thinking anymore, Bondowoso directly call and apply Jonggrang.
Bondowoso heard the desire of the Jonggrang was silent and looked confused. He really hates Bondowoso, for killing his father. But on the other hand, Jonggrang afraid reject an application Bondowoso. Finally, after thinking for a moment, Jonggrang also find a way to make Bondowoso not consummate the marriage. Jonggrang request made a thousand temples and two wells in one night.
Hearing the proposed terms of the Jonggrang, Bondowoso was immediately agreed. He feels that it is a condition that is very easy for him, because Bondowoso has Jin army very much. In the evening, Bandung Bandawasa began to collect his army. In no time, the Jin army that form come. After hearing the command of Bondowoso, the army immediately build temples and wells very quickly. Jonggrang who witnessed the construction of the temple began to get nervous and frightened, because in two-thirds of the night, stayed three temples and a well are not they finish. Jonggrang then think hard, find a way to Bondowoso can not meet its requirements.
After thinking hard, Jonggrang finally found a way out. He will make the atmosphere to be like in the morning, so that the Jin stop making the temple. Jonggrang immediately called all the maids in the palace. Maids are tasked Jonggrang to burn straw, cracking mortar, and laying flowers that smelled fragrant scent. Hearing the command of Jonggrang, maids soon burn straw. Soon the sky was pink reddish, and the mortar began sounded. The sweet smell of flowers that spread began to smell, and the cock began crowing. See reddening sky, the sound of a mortar, and smell the scent of the flowers, then the army Bondowoso began to leave his job. They thought it was already morning, and they had to go. Seeing his army went, Bondowoso confused and very upset, and finally completed the construction of the temple was left. But really unlucky, unfinished construction of the temple, morning has come. Bondowoso also failed to qualify from Jonggrang.
Gladly Jonggrang that failed to meet Bondowoso can build a thousand and two wells. Bondowoso angry cursing Jonggrang as the thousandth temple. Thanks to the magic Bondowoso, Jonggrang turned into a statue / sculpture. The form of the statue until now can be seen in the temple complex of Prambanan, and the name of the temple is known as the temple Jonggrang. While the temples located in the vicinity called the Candi Sewu or the Thousand Temples.

3. Sangkuriang

In antiquity, there was a story of a princess in West Java called Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting He hunting accompanied by Tumang, beloved dog palace. Sangkuriang do not know, that the dog was an incarnation of the god and father.
One day Tumang not want to follow his orders to pursue game. The dog then killed. When he returned to the palace, Sangkuriang recounted the incident to her mother. Dayang Sumbi not play angry when I heard that story. He accidentally hit the head Sangkuriang with a spoon in his hand. Sangkuriang injured. He was very disappointed and went wandering.
After the incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her. He was always very diligent in prayer and penance. At one time, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has a timeless beauty. After years of wandering, Sangkuriang eventually intends to return to his homeland. Arriving there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he met a beautiful girl, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Fascinated by her beauty then, Sangkuriang proposed. Therefore it is a very handsome young man, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated him.
One day Sangkuriang asked permission to hunt. He asked for help Dayang Sumbi to spruce up the headband. Dayang Sumbi surprise, when he saw the scars on the head of her husband. Luka was exactly like a wound that his son had gone to wander. After a long noticed, it turns out the boy's face is very similar to his son's face. He became very frightened. Then later he sought in its power to thwart the process of making a proposal. He filed two terms. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both requirements must have been met before dawn.
That night Sangkuriang did penance. With his power he is exerting unseen creatures to help finish the job. Dayang Sumbi was secretly peek such work. Once the work was almost complete, Dayang Sumbi ordered his men to hold a red silk cloth in the east of the city. While watching the redness in the eastern city, Sangkuriang thought it was late morning. He also stopped work. He was very upset because it means he can not qualify requested Dayang Sumbi.
With his strength, he made his break through the dam. There was severe flooding across the city. He was later kicked big boat made. The canoe was floated and crashed into a mountain named "Tangkuban Perahu."

4. Lake Toba

In a village in Sumatra, the life of a farmer. He was a farmer who diligently working even though the farm was not extensive. He can be self-sufficient from their work tireless. Actually he became old enough to get married, but he still chose to live alone. On the morning of a sunny day, the farmer was fishing in the river. Some time after the hook is thrown, kailnya seen wobbling. He immediately pulled the hook. The farmer was cheered with joy after receiving a sizeable fish.
He was amazed to see the beautiful color of fish scales. The fish scales golden yellow reddish. The fish they catch fell to the ground. Then do not how long, the fish was transformed into a beautiful girl.
The farmer was marrying the daughter of fish. They then become husband and wife. However, there is a promise that has been agreed, that they should not tell that the origin of the Princess of fish. If the promise was breached there will be a terrible disaster.
Having reached the village, stirred villagers look beautiful girl together farmers. Farmers are very happy and peaceful. As a good husband, he continued to work to earn a living by cultivating rice fields and fields with diligent and tenacious. Due diligence and tenacity, the farmer life without flaws in his life.
A year later, Petan and wife happiness increases, because farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. He was given the name of the Son. Their happiness does not make them forget themselves. The son grow into a child who is healthy and strong. He became a sweet kid but a bit mischievous. He has a habit that makes his parents wonder, are always hungry. The food should be eaten three of them can be eaten alone.
One day, his father's son upset. If told to helping parents work, she always refused. The farmer then berating her son and call the child a fish.
After the farmers spoke those words, instantly son and his wife vanished. Without a trace and trail. Of former stamping his feet, suddenly menyemburlah water is so heavy and getting heavier. Petani village and surrounding villages submerged all. Water overflowed very high and wide to form a lake. And finally, forming a lake. The lake was eventually known as Lake Toba. While small island in the middle known as the island.

5. Stones Cry

Folk legend West Kalimantan
Darmi is not a rich kid. His mother was just a poor widow. To support both of them, his mother worked from morning to night. Any job he did. Looking for firewood in the forest, mowing lawns for neighbors goat food, wash the clothes of others, whatever he was doing to earn the reward. Instead Darmi is a spoiled child. Whit her not sorry to see his mother worked hard all day. Even with teganya he forced her to give him money if there is something you want to buy.
And so, day after day the mother is getting old and suffering. While Darmi blessed with a beautiful face more extravagant. His work just to spend money to buy nice clothes, cosmetic tools are expensive and go to parties to show off her beauty.
One day Darmi asked her mother to buy her powder on the market. But his mother did not know what he meant powder.
Finally, they go hand in hand. Very odd looks. Darmi looks very pretty with her pink dress that looks expensive and behind her mother who had stooped wearing shabby clothes were patched.
In the market, impose Darmi mother as a maid. How hurt his crying mother complained her grief to God. His face looked up into the sky and out of his mouth cursing her into stone.
Suddenly the sky turned cloudy and darting lightning accompanied by thunder. Darmi frightened and wanted to run towards his mother. But he felt his legs are so heavy. When he looked down he saw her feet have become rock, and now her calves, thighs and continue upward. Darmi fear, he shouted for help to his mother. But her mother just looked at her crying.
Mother Darmi not bear to see his son become a rock, but there was nothing he could do. Rice has become porridge. Curse spoken can not be taken back. Finally she could only hug her son who was begging for mercy and cried until finally lost his voice and his whole body into stone.

6. Bagendit

In ancient times to the north of the town of Garut there is a village whose inhabitants are mostly farmers. Nyai Endit is the richest man in the village. Her home is luxurious, very spacious barns rice because to be quite accommodating rice bought from farmers in the village. They were forced to sell all their crops at a bargain price if you do not want to find a case with payday nyai Endit forces. Then if their rice supplies run out, they have to buy from nyai Endit with the rising prices.
a few days later, the villagers began to run out of food even many who have started to suffer from hunger. While Nyai Endit always partying with luxurious foods in the house.
One day, from the end of the village seems a grandmother who walked bent over. Meanwhile Nyai Endit were enjoying a splendid meal, as well as soldiers. The beggar arrived in front of the house Nyai Endit and directly confronted by the soldiers.
The grandmother instead of going but instead stuck his stick into the ground and then looked Nyai Endit furiously.
grandmother revoke the stick. Suddenly from the former tancapan stick grandmother torrential gush of water. The grandmother also condemned Nyai Endit
After that the old woman suddenly disappeared. Live Nyai Endit who panicked at the water overflowed profusely. She tried to run to save his property, but the flood more quickly drowned along with his property.
In the village has now formed a beautiful little lake. People called it 'Bagendit'. Situ means lake and Bagendit derived from the word Endit. Some people believe that sometimes we can see the leech of the mattress in the bottom of the lake. He said it is the manifestation Nyai Endit were not able to escape from the trap of the flood.

7. The origin of the Strait of Bali

In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin benama Sidi Mantra very famous miracle. has a son named Manik Angkeran.
Although Manik Angkeran a young and strong and clever, but he has properties that are less good, that like to gamble. He often lost, so he was forced to risk assets of their parents, even in debt to others. Because they can not repay the debt, Manik Angkeran asking for help his father to do something. Sidi Mantra fasting and praying to the gods for help.
on divination, Sidi Mantra went to Mount Agung by overcoming all obstacles. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As he rang the bell he chanted and called the name Naga Besukih. Not long after the dragon out. After hearing the purpose of visits Sidi Mantra, Naga Besukih stretched and scales out of gold and diamonds. After thanking, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All the possessions that he gets given to Manik Angkeran in the hope he will not gamble again. Certainly not long after, the treasure was spent on betting. Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father. Of course, Sidi Mantra refused to help his son.
Manik Angkeran heard from friends that the treasure obtained from Gunung Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there she had to spell, but he never learned about prayer and mantra. So, he just brought a bell that was stolen from his father when his father's bed.
Having arrived at the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya rang. He is not playing scared when he saw Naga Besukih. After hearing the purpose of visits Manik Naga Angkeran, Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there arose the evil intentions in his heart. Because you want to get more wealth, and cut off the tail with lightning speed when Naga Naga Besukih Paddle Wheel back to the hive. Manik Angkeran immediately fled and was not overtaken by the Dragon. But because the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burned to ashes during the dragon licked his footsteps.
Hearing the death of his son, Sidi Mantra sad. Soon he visited Naga Besukih and ask that her son be revived. Dragon tail menyanggupinya origin can go back to normal. With his power, Sidi Mantra can restore the Dragon's tail. After Manik Angkeran turned on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra know that his son had repented but he also understood that they can no longer live together.
Instantly where he stood arise a water source that is increasingly large so that it becomes the ocean. With the wand, Sidi Mantra make the line that separates him with his son. Now place it into the Bali strait separating Java and Bali islands.


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